
Hello and welcome, I love to be in a kitchen creating. I am often asked for recipes. So I am going to add recipes as I think to. If you have a request let me know. I will try to add photo of each thing to accompany recipe. Will do my best. I do not aim for healthy, low fat, good for you in any way. IF I happen to do a recipe that falls in there don't hate me for it. :) Enjoy

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Friendship ties that bind.

This recipe is intended to share.  So many of us never take a moment to sit with a friend or just drop off a small gift of love from  the  heart.  We all know how important it is to show kindness.  This is great way to start. Neighbors, Postal carries, trash men, friends you haven't seen in a while, co-workers, or just because you feel like sharing,  a nice little smile when you hand over some home made love will brighten anyone's day.
So  here's  what to do.  have fun and let me know what you think.

In a large bowl mix 1 cup flour, 1 cup sugar, and  1 cup milk cover and let sit on counter away from heat.
The next day mix  1 cup flour, 1 cup sugar, and 1 cup milk. Mix well cover and let sit.
For the next 4-6 days do the same as before. On the day you are ready to bake. Mix  one cup of each again and set aside.   Preheat oven to 325 degrees. 
In small bowl mix one cup sugar  with ¼- ½ cup cinnamon.  Spray 2 bread pans with cooking spray then sprinkle generously with cinnamon and sugar mix.
In separate large bowl mix the following ingredients
 2 cups of the mixture that you have been adding to everyday,  1 cup oil, 1 tsp vanilla, ½ tsp salt, 1 cup sugar, 3 large eggs, 2 cups flour, ½ cup milk, ½ tsp baking soda, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1 large box of instant pudding (flavor depends on what type of bread you will make).

Ok Here is the important part. 
For butterscotch bread  simply use instant butterscotch pudding  (you can add almond slivers if you like)
For Cinnamon bread  use instant French Vanilla pudding  and add  ½ cup of cinnamon
For  Banana bread  use instant banana pudding, diced nuts,  and  2-3 mashed bananas.   (sprinkle top of bread with nuts before baking.
For any berry  bread use instant french vanilla pudding and minced  frozen berrys.
For tropical bread use instant french vanilla pudding and tropical trail mix minced.
For chocolate peanut butter bread  use instant chocolate pudding  add peanut butter chips.
For zucchinni bread  add 2 shredded  large zucchinni  and instant vanilla pudding.

Divide mixture between bread pans and bake for about an hour. Will spring back when touched in center top.
Cool on wire racks. Wrap with plastic wrap snuggly.
Share with friends. Your friends will enjoy!  
Recipe is easily doubled or tripled.   
Can serve cold or warm, with or without butter. Also tastey  with cream cheese.


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